Narrative Therapy

Narrative therapy is based on the idea that our lives are shaped by the stories we tell about ourselves. Sometimes, these stories can make us feel stuck or limited. Narrative therapy helps us explore our life stories and rewrite them to encourage positive changes and personal growth.

Here are the main ideas behind narrative therapy:

  • Externalization: Separate the problem from the person. Instead of saying "I'm depressed," you might say, "Depression is affecting my life." This helps you see the problem as something you can work on, not something that defines you.

  • Re-authoring: Look at your life stories, find the ones that have a big impact on how you see yourself, and create new, more empowering stories about who you are.

  • Deconstruction: Break down the stories that are causing problems to understand where they come from. This helps you see how society and other factors might be influencing your thoughts.

  • Unique Outcomes: Find times when the problem didn't control your life and focus on these positive moments. This can help you build more hopeful stories about yourself.

Narrative therapy can be used in individual counselling, couples therapy, and family therapy. It can help with many issues, including mental health problems like depression and anxiety, relationship difficulties, and social problems. Here's how narrative therapy can be helpful:

  • Externalization of Problems: By seeing problems as separate from yourself, you can feel more in control of your story. This sense of control is important for personal growth and can help you take steps to address your challenges.

  • Reframing Negative Experiences: By looking at times when you've overcome difficulties, you can build a more hopeful outlook. This can help reduce feelings of helplessness and create a more positive view of life.

  • Promoting Resilience: By recognizing your strengths and how you've handled challenges in the past, you can build a stronger sense of self and resilience. This can help you face future challenges with more confidence.

  • Improving Relationships: By understanding how your stories affect your relationships with others, you can develop better communication skills and solve conflicts more effectively. This deeper understanding can lead to more meaningful and supportive relationships.

In summary, narrative therapy offers a way to grow personally by helping you rewrite the stories that shape your life. Through externalization, re-authoring, and finding unique outcomes, narrative therapy can open a path to personal transformation. It can help you feel more empowered, build resilience, and find more fulfillment in your life.

Curious to find out more about Narrative Therapy and how it may be able to help you? Schedule your free consultation with our Narrative Therapy Counsellor, Heiin Lim, or contact us at to find out more.